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WP2 – First Step Volunteering Kitchen

Volunteering can be especially powerful as a starting point for migrant women for many many reasons. It can:

  • Provide an opportunity for migrant women to become more socially integrated into their new communities. By volunteering in food-related community causes (e.g. food banks) or events, they gain a sense of accomplishment and self-worth, boosting their confidence and self-esteem. In the process, they meet and interact with local people and develop a sense of belonging and social connection.
  • Improve language skills, particularly when volunteering roles involve communicating with others. This can help improve employability and the ability to participate in other social and economic activities.
  • Provide an opportunity for migrant women to develop professional skills and gain experience in a particular field or industry. This can be particularly valuable for women who may face barriers to employment due to limited work experience
    or educational qualifications.
  • Empower. Volunteering can provide a sense of empowerment for migrant women by giving them a chance to contribute to their communities and make a difference. It can also provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment, which can be important for mental health and well-being.
  • Create connections: Establish partnerships with local food-related businesses, non-profits, and community organisations to provide participants with real-world volunteering opportunities, allowing them to apply their newly acquired
    skills and knowledge

PRACTICAL ACTIONS – What are we doing?

We have 5 connected resources that will unlock the power of volunteering in food for our migrant women.

1Volunteering Guide

We have developed a VOLUNTEERING GUIDE, an easy-to-understand resource tailored to migrant women seeking volunteering opportunities in the food sector. The guide covers essential topics such as culinary skills, food safety, hygiene, teamwork, and communication in a user-friendly format





2Hands-on workshops for migrant women volunteers:

We organised a series of engaging, hands-on workshops to equip migrant women with the skills, language and confidence needed for volunteering in the food industry.

3Recruit 50 host organisations for our Volunteers

While we can talk about volunteering, it is important we give our women the opportunity to be hosted in a company, an NGO or a project where they can apply their skills. In each of our countries, we are looking for hosts. Get involved.

Our 3 Kitchen partners in Sweden, France, Ireland and the Netherlands offer unique opportunities for migrant women to volunteer and for businesses/NGOs to host them, playing a crucial role advancing  towards integration and economic independence.

Benefits for Participants and Hosts:

  • Gain valuable experience: Migrant women can gain real-world experience in the food industry, while hosts can benefit from fresh perspectives and diverse skills in their kitchens or food projects
  • Skill development: Participants can develop new skills and build confidence and self-esteem, while hosts can help address talent shortages in the food industry.
  • Community integration: Both participants and hosts contribute to promoting gender equality, inclusion and supporting community integration.
  • Networking and support: Participants can connect with other women and employers in their community, and receive recognition as partners of the 3 Kitchens Project.

Examples of Placements and Hosting Roles:

  • Support/learning roles in food or catering businesses (kitchen, packing, sales, or marketing)
  • Volunteering at food events, food banks, or community gardens


Placements and hosting opportunities are available from June to October 2024. The duration can be a few days or up to three weeks—whatever works best for the participants and hosts.

What We Need:

  • From Participants: Enthusiasm to learn and engage in the food sector.
  • From Hosts: A safe and supportive environment, offering practical experience in various aspects of the food sector and fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace.

How to Get Involved:

  • Migrant Women: To apply for the volunteering opportunity, please contact us at We will guide you through the process and help you get started.
  • Business/NGO Hosts: If you are interested in becoming a host, please reach out to us at We will provide you with all the information and support you need to join our network of partners.

SWEDEN - The focus is on host organisations involved in Cooking, Baking and Processing Food.

4Volunteering Placements

Now we have our women volunteers and our host organisations, we are ready to enable 50 volunteering placements for migrant women in the food industry within our partner countries, providing them with hands-on experience and practical application of their newly acquired skills. Check back in later to see how we got on.

5Success stories and Testimonials

An important part of our work is to document and share the personal stories and experiences of our 20 migrant women who have successfully completed the First Step Volunteering Kitchen work package, showcasing their achievements and the impact of the programme on their lives. If you are interested in being featured, please let us know.

Contact Us

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